Monday, 12 November 2012

Geo Brown Circle Lens BC102 review

Hey, long time no BLRUEUHFH

been busy, and I've ordered new contacts, and I haven't took proper images.

I bought Geo Brown Circle Lens BC102 lenses before, but I found them so uncomfortable when I worn them to Hong Kong.
The first time using them, they irritated my eyes a lot, and they tend to dry out quite easily.

BUT, I've decided to order them again (I can't even remember if by mistake, or whattt) whilst looking for more "natural" lenses.

SOOO, I ordered them again, and I GOT to admit, they really hurt my eyes when I started using the lenses again.

BUT (again), they don't hurt anymore. I find this really strange, they just don't hurt anymore, which is great!

I actually like these lenses, cos they're so normal looking and natural.

sorry these pics are from hallooween loololololol.
but they don't look obvious right?


Enlargement: 8/10 (natural enlargement [if that exists..])
Comfort: 8/10. At first it was 1/10, but it's so much better now.
Pattern: 7/10 (FOR ME! Cos I just want it plain, and it's a nice plain. Nice and simple).

back to work qqqqq

I'll review GEO Grang Grang Choco Lens HC-246  and Geo Tri Color Gray Lens CM-901 (Berry Chessy) soon :DD 

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